Monday, April 16, 2018


Saint Patrick's Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick, is a cultural and religious celebration held on March 17, the traditional date of death for Saint Patrick, the foremost patron saint of Ireland. The Feast day of Saint Patrick, actually and interestingly commemorates the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. This day is celebrated by attending parades, wearing shamrocks, wearing green, and even drinking Irish beer and whiskey that has been colored green, with many attending Catholic Mass or Service.

The shamrock was introduced into the St Patrick's Day tradition because it was a plant that was originally utilized by St. Patrick to remind him of the trinity due to its three-leaf formation. It was during the early 1900's or the early 20th century that the reference to the bible was completely eradicated from the historical account. This was a period in the history of the Irish that was filled with political unrest and famine. The Irish were considered one of the most unfortunate people in the world.

This was the period of time that the usual entrance of commercialism resulted in the shamrock being reduced from a reference to the Trinity to a symbol of Good Luck in order to sell greeting cards.

You should also remember the original Irish name for leprechauns who are figures of folklore is “lobaircin,” meaning “small-bodied fellow.”

Widespread belief in leprechauns generally stemmed from Celtic acceptance of fairies, tiny men and women who could use their magical powers to serve good or evil. In Celtic folktales, leprechauns were cranky souls, responsible for mending the shoes of the other fairies. Though only minor figures in Celtic folklore, leprechauns were known for their trickery, which they often used to protect their private treasure. The belief was that if a person was lucky enough, these diminutive figures might be fooled into unavailing the location of their treasure. This sounds like many individuals in the world today that would utilize trickery to protect their treasure verses trusting God as well as those that would even seek to enjoy monetary gain obtained by trickery.

I am glad we are taught clearly from the word of God that we are blessed and it has nothing to with LUCK! God created giving so that we can be blessed. Giving was not created to get money for the church or for God, but it was created to remove selfishness and greed from our lives.

God told us that the quality of our heart is a function of what we are willing to support financially. In Matthew 6:21 we are told, “For where your treasure is there will your heart be also.” This means your heart will be where you are willing to place your money. In Deuteronomy 30:19 we are told, “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that you and your seed may live.”

This says that being blessed is a choice we all have that God has placed before each individual. We have chosen to be blessed and giving is the avenue through which God has created to facilitate blessings in our lives. We are all aware of the principle that says whatever you give, you are going to get more back in return. Consequently, once we learn to give we will be compelled to give good things so that more good things or blessings will accrue to our lives.

 We are blessed and not lucky, so let us commit to doing what is necessary to attract God's best into our lives!

-Bishop Tommie A. Murphy
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How Mentors Can Bless Your Life

One of the most significant relationships that a person can experience is that of a mentor.  A mentor serves a great purpose in the life of the person they are mentoring.  Mentorship helps to prepare the person for various challenges that life will bring.  They serve as a source of guidance, correction, and encouragement.  The mentee have a model in living color to demonstrate how to be successful.  What an honor and a privilege it is to have an individual who is connected to you that can help you navigate through difficult times.  A mentor relationship can last for many years.  I was instructed by my pastor 22 years ago to mentor 5 people and to be mentored by 3.  The idea was that as I was pouring life into mentees, mentors were pouring life into me.  I still serve as a mentor to 1 of the 5 mentees.

I would like to take this time to appreciate my mentors: Bishop Tommie Murphy, Pastor Wayne Johnson, and Pastor Craig Pickett.‬ ‬My life has been revolutionized by their decision to engage in selflessness and to be there for me when the need arose.  I am blessed to have all 3 mentors currently connected to me.  The Bible declares in Proverbs‬ ‭11:14‬ “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.” ‬‬

-Elder Edward M. Blevins

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How Giving Has Blessed My Life

In America today, when people say they were blessed because of their giving money to the church they very often mean that because of their giving, God miraculously poured out money or some other valuable materials that they needed and/or wanted.
I would agree that it is hard to give an example of someone in the Bible who was godly and materially wealthy, but was not a liberal giver. For example, in Genesis chapter 14, Abram gave a tithe to the man of God and due to his giving of tithes and offerings; God gave him great material goods. But I'd like to look beyond the very valid examples like Abram, and focus on an additional blessing that comes to all of us, rich and poor, when we give unto the work of the Lord.
One alternate translation I've heard for the word "Blessed" ("makarios" in Greek) is to be happy.
One of the things that have caused me to believe in giving to God's churches has been the attitude I've witnessed when I would see my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents give to ministry. The happiness (or blessedness) you could see on their faces when they gave would make you think that someone just gave them a birthday gift. Yes, they knew that God would bless them materially if they maintained a liberal heart, but the immediate happiness they exuded had much to do with their joy in being able to share in supporting a godly ministry that they loved and believed in.
God really doesn't need my money, but when I give to the godly ministry I'm affiliated with, it's as if I'm sharing my substance with Christ, the one whom I love and hold most dear above all relationships. Because of that love, when I give, my happiness (blessedness) is immediate and manifests before I receive any of the miracles of material blessings.

Shawn D. Jackson

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