Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Dinner With The Blevins

-How Many years have you been Married

Twenty-two and a half, twenty-three years on June 30!

-What is the one thing that has kept you together this long?

Miss'y- Our desire for one another and relationship with God.
Elder- Both are number one and being committed to the institution of marriage that God ordained.

-What do you think is different now about marriages or people getting married nowadays verses when people got married back then?

Elder- Not a difference but more so people not staying together.
Miss'y- Marriage used to be sacred, people don't stick it out. It was taught that you stay because that's marriage. There’s also a lack of commitment to the institution of marriage, they approach it with a selfish mindset, if they don't get what they want then it's over verses my job is to serve you as a spouse as unto God.

-What would you say to persons who are in engaged to be married?

Elder- Understand that marriage is a lifetime commitment not a sentence, YOU CHOOSE out of your own will to enter into marriage.
Miss’y- There are no back doors, you can't go in looking for a way out.

-If you could tell your self anything when you first got married, what would it be?

Elder- You don't always get out the deal what YOU want. It’s not about you; don't engage in this thing selfish. The way you get what you want is giving the other person what they want. Luke 6:38 "Give unto others as you would have them give unto you."  1 Corinthians 7:3 "The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and like wise the wife to her husband.". Marriage is a covenant not a contract. You engage as if it is a commitment not a contract. And that you remain committed to the covenant in spite of the experience.

-How has God impacted your marriage thus far?

Miss’y- He makes ways out of no way
Elder- "The husband of the article declares this: that as a result of his wife's faithfulness and commitment to God his level of trust and faith in God has increased." SO REMEMBER GOD FIRST!

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